For you fans of the game, a good news for the Linux distributions Ultimate Edition (UE) which has a variant for the gammer called Ultimate Gamer Edition has now released its latest version, Ultimate Gamers Edition 3.0. and Ultimate Edition 3.0.
Unlike the previous release based on Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition 3.0 is now based on Ubuntu derivative distributions, Linux Mint 11. Equipped with the Gnome desktop environment 2.32.1, Ultimate Edition 3.0-based Linux Mint is called "ULTAMINT".
Ultimate Edition 3.0 has been equipped with software repositories from GetDeb, Ubuntu and Linux Mint and it is distributed by ISO Live DVD but only for 32-bit architectures only. The latest release 3.0 brings the EU share of applications ready for use for the fans.
Ultimate Edition is developed by TheeMahn, but now based Linux Mint is based on a previous version of the Ubuntu distribution. Ultimate Edition is packed with a wide range of applications and the best tool of Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Formerly known as Ultimate Edition Ubuntu Ultimate, but the beginning of the development known as Ubuntu Christmas Edition. Ultimate Edition has a special version, Ultimate Gamers Edition, which includes all EU application packages plus gaming applications for Linux.
Ultimate Edition:
Come together the latest development release of Linux kernel version 3.2 RC3, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 includes Rhythmbox as the default music player Banshee replace abandoned. Mozilla Firefox 9.0 and Thunderbird 9.0 becomes the default web browser and mail client, all of which were built in the Gnome desktop environment 3.2.1.
In the meantime, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 version of the server include Squid3, Cobbler who is now based on version 2.2.2 upstream and components are now based Openstack Essex 2
Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 is now built on the advanced desktop environments KDE SC 4.7.3.
Xubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 still developed on desktop environment with a graceful Xface 4.8 includes a feature ristretto 0.3.0 and fixes a few problems and bugs.
For release 12.04, seems Lubuntu will officially become the Ubuntu family of distributions. Lubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 has been built on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment with the latest LightDM as the login manager.
- Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 Live CD Desktop i368 ISO / Torrent | x86_64 ISO / Torrent.
- Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 Alternate i368 ISO / Torrent | x86_64 ISO / Torrent.
- Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Alpha 1 Live DVD/Install i386 ISO / Torrent | x86_64 ISO / Torrent.
Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) based on Ubuntu 11:10 (Oneiric OCELOT) recently released last October. Linux Mint 12 comes with Linux Kernel 3.0, X. Org 7.6 and Gnome 3.2. This release is a special release, bundled with a new interface built on top of Gnome 3 desktop environment while using gnome-panel display two classic, which makes the process of migrating to Gnome 3 is more fun for everyone.
Linux Mint 12 also provides a desktop interface MATE for all fans of Gnome 2. Here are ihtisar Linux Mint 12 Lisa:
- 11:10 Ubuntu-based;
- Linux kernel 3.0;
- Unity without shell;
- GNOME 3.2.1;
- MGSE (Mint Gnome Shell Extensions);
- MATE interface (splinter GNOME 2);
- Mozilla Firefox 8.0;
- Mozilla Thunderbird 7;
- One-Click Installer for extra multimedia codecs and applications;
- New desktop theme called Mint-Z;
- A set of new wallpapers;
- LightDM login manager;
- LibreOffice 3.4;
- Black boot splash screen;
- Various improvements and bug fixes.
Linux Mint 12 is available for 32-bit architecture and 64-bit and distributed as a Live CD (without multimedia codecs) and Live DVD for a more complete package.
Download Linux Mint 12 Lisa: